Mosquito Borne Disease

There are steps you can take to reduce the presence of mosquitoes on your property – mainly reducing standing water. Even a little bit of standing water – that might accumulate in the saucer of a plant pot after a rainstorm – can be an active breeding ground for mosquitoes.  Other places that could be good mosquito breeding grounds include:

  • Discarded tires
  • Rain barrels, buckets
  • Abandoned boats
  • Clogged roof gutters
  • Bird baths
  • Abandoned or untreated swimming pools, wading pools
  • Ceramic pots, empty cans
  • Wheelbarrows
  • Anywhere water can collect!

Section 19-13-B31 of the Connecticut Public Health Code states that “no person shall maintain or permit to be maintained any pond, cesspool, well, cistern, rain barrel or other receptacle containing water or accumulation of stagnant water in such a condition that mosquitoes may breed therein or may injure health or cause offense to other persons”.

If you need assistance or advice treating standing water on your property, a member of our Environmental Health staff can help. An Environmental Technician will visit your property and provide education on how to prevent and eliminate mosquitoes. Contact Patti Myers at (860) 434-1605 ext. 214 for more information.

Some things you can do to avoid mosquito bites include:

  • Minimizing time outdoors at dusk and dawn.
  • Ensuring door and window screens are tight-fitting and in good repair.
  • Wearing shoes, socks, long pants, and long-sleeved shirts. Clothing material should be tightly woven.
  • Using mosquito netting when sleeping outdoors.
  • Using mosquito repellent when necessary – in a safe manner according to the label instructions.

West Nile Virus

West Nile Virus is a mosquito-borne viral infection that is transmitted by the culex species of mosquito. Most people infected with the virus experience no symptoms; however, the disease may be serious or even fatal. Certain populations such as the very young, the elderly and the immune-compromised may be a special risk.

Jamestown Canyon Virus

Jamestown Canyon Virus is a mosquito-borne viral infection that is circulated between mammalian-biting mosquitoes and white-tailed deer. Human cases are rare but have been increasing in the northeast and northcentral U.S. Most people infected with the virus experience no symptoms. Symptomatic infections range from mild (flu-like, fever, headache, fatigue) to severe (meningitis, encephalitis).

Eastern Equine Encephalitis

Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) is a rare but serious disease caused by a virus that is transmitted by mosquitoes.

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