COVID-19 General Guidance
Even though the CDC no longer gives an exact number of days you should isolate when you have COVID, the basic guidance remains the same:
- If you are sick, stay home and away from others
- Call your healthcare provider for testing and treatment, especially if you are at higher risk for severe illness
- If you need testing and treatment but do not have a provider, please call Ledge Light Health District at 860.448.4882, option 2
- Wait at least 24 hours after your fever goes away (without the use of fever-reducing medications), and you start to feel better overall to return to normal activities
- Not everyone with COVID has a fever. Pay attention to ALL symptoms and wait 24 hours after you start to feel better overall before you return to normal activities.
- Fever-reducing medications include acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin, and Naproxen
- When you return to normal activities for at least 5 days, take added precautions including:
- Wearing a mask
- Keeping distance from others
- Improving ventilation (open windows for fresh air, gather outdoors when possible)
- Enhancing hygiene (wash your hands, cover your coughs and sneezes)
- Cleaning high-touch surfaces
Test to Treat
The Test-to-Treat initiative has been implemented to promote easy access to testing and antiviral treatment for individuals who may have contracted COVID-19. This program is free for everyone who is 18 years or older, whether they have health insurance or not. Test-to-treat sites are available at selected pharmacies, urgent care centers, and federally qualified health centers across Connecticut. People can also seek advice from their healthcare providers for antiviral treatment.
For more information consult: Home (
Practice Everyday Preventive Actions
Practice and remind others of the importance of using everyday preventive actions that can help prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses. Yes, these are simple strategies, and they work:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.
- Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue. Throw the tissue in a lined trash container.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Germs spread this way.
- Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects daily (e.g., tables, countertops, light switches, doorknobs, and cabinet handles) using regular household detergent and water.
- If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned using a detergent and water prior to disinfection. For disinfection, a list of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved products is available at Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Fighting Products. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and disinfection products.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Always wash your hands with soap and water if your hands are visibly dirty.
- Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious foods.
- Get an annual flu shot and future vaccines that are developed to fight new communicable illnesses.
Additional Resources
- Connect with LLHD on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
- How You Can Plan and Prepare for Emergencies
- 2-1-1 Connecticut: Individuals who have general questions that are not answered on the website can also call 2-1-1 for assistance.
- YNHH: Yale New Haven Health
- CTDPH: Connecticut Department of Public Health
- CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency
- NIH – National Institute of Health