Be a Part of Our Promise

LLHD staff work every day (and some nights!) to advance our mission, but we can’t do this work without the help and support of others – especially the community members who volunteer to join us.

Whether you are considering joining one of our community coalitions, being part of the Medical Reserve Corps or simply volunteering a few hours to support our efforts, we hope you will consider being part of our promise to the community.

Our Coalitions are always looking for new members! Please visit these pages to learn more: the Groton Alliance for Substance Use Prevention Coalition, the Ledyard Prevention Coalition, the New London County Asthma Action Partnership, the Overdose Action Team, and the Health Improvement Collaborative of SECT.

Job Postings

There are no current postings. Thank you for your interest.



In honor of one of our founding members, Harry A. Watson, each year, LLHD selects a student interested in the field of public health to take part in our Harry A. Watson summer internship program. The selected student will gain a well-rounded experience in the field of public health, working with staff in our environmental, communicable disease prevention, and health education departments.

In previous years, the Harry A. Watson internship was an opportunity for high school students to gain exposure to the field of public health. In 2013, we decided to shift our focus to college students with an interest in public health.

Please check back in the spring for updates!

Helpful Resources

Ledge Light Employment Application